Jesus the Healer

EPIC wraps up this week. It’s pretty crazy that our month-long discipleship course is already coming to a close… Those four weeks went by so fast!

We’ve had an amazing group of students, committed to growing in their relationships with God and each other. They really dug in deep, which allowed the Holy Spirit to dig deep inside them.

As they’ve experienced and understood the power of God’s love in a whole new way, the students have been increasingly passionate about sharing it with others. Their weekly outreaches into the community have been incredible! It’s so amazing to watch them put into action all that they are learning.

Some students visited the home of an elderly woman. Wincing and teary-eyed, she told them about the excruciating pain she felt throughout her body. It was so bad that she’d been preparing to call an ambulance when the group arrived at her house. They told her about Jesus the Healer and asked if they could pray for her. When the team was done praying, the woman began exclaiming, “It’s gone! The pain is gone! I’m healed!”

Shouts of joy and praise filled her home. I’m pretty sure the EPIC students were more excited than the woman was! Watching God show up in such a mighty way has inspired them to continue trusting Him for impossibly huge things.

How have you seen God show up lately?